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Methods used in education of children with multiple disabilities manual ANJ


Z veseljem predstavljamo končni produkt Erasmus+ projekta KA229 – Partnerstva za izmenjavo med samo šolami, z naslovom “Methods used in education of children with multiple disabilities”, v katerem je ZGNL sodeloval s partnerskimi šolami iz Kremnice, Plzna in Krakowa. Na zgornji povezavi je priročnik z metodami in dobrimi praksami, ki so jih sodelujoči v projektu spoznavali pri drugih partnerskih organizacijah. Namenjen je vsem učiteljem in ostalim strokovnim delavcem, ki delajo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, ter želijo spoznati nova metode poučevanja.

Projekt je sledil dolgoročnemu načrtu razvoja in izobraževanja pedagoškega osebja. Glavni cilj projekta je bil izboljšati obstoječe znanje, pridobiti novo znanje in podpreti motivacijo učiteljev pri poučevanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Projekt je trajal 4 leta. Načrtovane so bile 4 mobilnosti na štirih različnih destinacijah (Slovaška, Češka Republika, Poljska, Slovenija), vendar smo bili primorani zadnjo mobilnost, zaradi višje sile, izvesti v virtualnem okolju. Partnerje za projekt smo pridobili na podlagi sodelovanja v organizaciji HIPEN, katere član smo. Šola je izbrala učitelje, ki so ključni za izpolnjevanje načrtovanih ciljev projekta.


We are pleased to present the final product of the Erasmus + project KA229 – Partnerships for exchange between schools only, entitled “Methods used in education of children with multiple disabilities”, in which ZGNL cooperated with partner schools from Kremnica, Plzen and Krakow. The link above provides a brochure with methods and good practices that project participants learned about from other partner organizations. It is intended for all teachers and other professionals who work with children with special needs and want to learn about new teaching methods.

The project Methods used in education of children with multiple disabilities followed the long-term plan of development and furthereducation of pedagogical staff. The main impetus for the schools involvement in the project was the requirement to acquire new knowledge in the field of special education. The main goal was to improve existing knowledge, acquire new ones and support the motivation of teachers in teaching children with multiple disabilities. The project was prepared as a two-year mobility period. 4 mobilities were planned in four different destinations (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia). We obtained partners for the project based on the contact of the HIPEN organization, of which we are a member. The school has selected teachers who are key to meeting the projects planned goals.
The output of the project is a brochure that can be used by all teachers to implement new teaching methods and others interested in working with children with multiple disabilities. The brochure is meant for special education teachers, tutors, assistants who are workingwith children who require special educational methods regarding their prime and additional disability and for those who have no previous experience in working with students with special needs.


